Bathrooms Photo Checklist
Tub/Shower floors, and walls
Inside of Toilet and Sinks
Dirtiest Floor area and baseboard area
Inside of bathroom drawers and cabinets if this is a move in/out cleaning
Kitchen and Bathroom Photo Checklist
Stove top and Range Hood
Inside Oven and Inside Fridge
(If requesting to be cleaned)
Kitchen Counter and Sink
Dirtiest part of the floor and baseboard
Dirtiest inside of drawer and cabinets if this is a move in/ out cleaning
General Overview of Kitchen Area
Shared Spaces and Bedroom Photo Checklist
1-2 photos of the dirtiest windowsills
1-2 photos of the dirtiest baseboard
1-2 photos of the dirtiest floor area
General overview of the Bedroom and Shared Spaces

Please provide actual and current close-up photos of the above areas to help us give you a more accurate pricing of your cleaning and avoid any extra fees that may incur upon arrival of our cleaners and assessment of the area.